Same-Day Crowns: A Solution for Busy Professionals

Same-Day Crowns: A Solution for Busy Professionals

Posted by Martin Sobieraj on Jul 17 2024, 11:47 AM

Same-Day Crowns: A Solution for Busy Professionals

Same-day crowns are a revolutionary advancement in restorative dentistry, allowing patients to receive a custom-made dental crown in just one visit. Unlike traditional crowns, which require multiple appointments over several weeks, same-day crowns utilize advanced CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and manufacturing) technology to streamline the process. During the appointment, the dentist in Tempe, AZ, takes digital impressions of the prepared tooth using a high-resolution scanner, eliminating the need for traditional molding materials. Using sophisticated software, these digital impressions are then used to design a precise, custom-fit crown. The design is sent to an in-office milling machine fabricating the crown from a single block of durable ceramic or composite material. Once the crown is ready, the dentist fits it onto the prepared tooth, making necessary adjustments for a perfect fit. The result is a seamless, natural-looking, functional, aesthetically pleasing restoration, all completed in a single visit. 

How Same-Day Crowns Can Address Common Dental Issues 

  • When a tooth is extensively damaged by decay or trauma, a same-day crown can quickly restore its structure and function. The fast turnaround means patients can avoid the prolonged discomfort and risk of further damage associated with temporary restorations. 
  • Same-day crowns are particularly beneficial for patients with broken or cracked teeth. The rapid fabrication and placement of the crown provide immediate protection and reinforcement, preventing the tooth from deteriorating further and restoring its ability to withstand regular chewing forces. 
  • For those seeking aesthetic improvements, same-day crowns can enhance the appearance of discolored, misshapen, or uneven teeth. The ability to customize the crown's color, shape, and size ensures that it blends seamlessly with the surrounding teeth, providing a natural and attractive result. 
  • Teeth undergoing root canal therapy often require crowns to restore strength and functionality. Same-day crowns provide a swift solution, allowing patients to resume normal activities and avoid the discomfort of an interim restoration. 
  • Same-day crowns offer a quick and effective remedy in emergencyscenarios, such as sudden tooth damage or loss. The efficiency of the same-day process ensures that patients receive timely treatment, minimizing the risk of complications and maintaining oral health. 

How Same-Day Crowns Are Made? 

The procedure for getting a same-day crown begins with an initial consultation, during which our dentist assesses the tooth in need of restoration. They will discuss your dental needs and explain the benefits of a same-day crown. If a crown is deemed necessary, the dentist prepares the tooth by removing any decay or damaged portions and shaping it to ensure a proper fit for the crown. This preparation step is crucial for the crown to adhere securely and function effectively. 

The dentist takes digital impressions once the tooth is prepared using a high-resolution intraoral scanner. Unlike traditional molds, these digital impressions accurately and detail the tooth and surrounding area. The impressions are sent to a computer where the dentist uses CAD (computer-aided design) software to create a precise digital crown model. This design is customized to match your natural teeth' color, shape, and size, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking result. 

With the design finalized, the data is sent to an in-office milling machine that fabricates the crown from a solid ceramic or composite material block. The milling process typically takes 30 to 60 minutes, during which the crown is crafted to the exact specifications. Once the crown is ready, the dentist removes the temporary crown, if used, and fits the permanent same-day crown onto the prepared tooth. They will check the fit, make necessary adjustments, and ensure the bite is aligned correctly. 

After confirming that the crown fits comfortably and meets aesthetic expectations, the dentist permanently cements the crown onto the prepared tooth using a strong dental adhesive. They will provide instructions on caring for the new crown and may schedule a follow-up visit to ensure it remains in good condition and functions well. The entire process is completed in a single visit, offering a quick and effective solution for restoring the tooth. Contact us today to learn more. 

The Impact of Same-Day Crowns on Your Oral Health 

Enhanced Protection and Functionality 

Same-day crowns in Tempe, AZ, immediately restore tooth function and protection. Quickly covering damaged or decayed teeth prevents further deterioration and helps restore average chewing ability. This immediate protection reduces the risk of additional damage or infection, which can occur if a compromised tooth is left untreated. 

Reduced Risk of Complications 

The efficiency of same-day crowns minimizes the need for temporary restorations, which can sometimes lead to complications such as discomfort, poor fit, or increased risk of decay around the temporary crown. With the permanent crown placed in a single visit, patients avoid the potential issues associated with temporary solutions and enjoy greater long-term stability. 

Improved Aesthetic Outcomes 

Same-day crowns are designed and fabricated using advanced technology to match the surrounding teeth precisely. This customization produces superior aesthetic outcomes, contributing to a more natural-looking smile and boosting self-confidence. The ability to match the crown's color, shape, and size to your natural teeth enhances both function and appearance. 

Streamlined Treatment Experience 

Same-day crowns significantly reduce the time and number of appointments required compared to traditional methods by completing the crown procedure in a single visit. This streamlined process saves patients time and reduces the stress and inconvenience associated with multiple dental visits, making it easier to maintain oral health. 


Same-day crowns offer a modern solution to dental restorations, combining efficiency, precision, and convenience. Visit Beautiful Dentistry at 2125 E Warner Rd #101, Tempe, AZ 85284, or call (480) 831-1700 to schedule your consultation and see how same-day crowns can restore your smile in just one visit. 

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