Sedation Options


Ease Your Mind With Our Tempe Sedation Options

Dental sedation is a wonderful way for our nervous patients to relax and get the dental care their smile needs to stay healthy and gorgeous. At Beautiful Dentistry, Dr. Sobieraj and our team offer Tempe sedation options that will help you:

  • Lie back comfortably and relax during your visit with us
  • Make extended or multiple procedures tolerable – even comfortable
  • Reduce your anxiety about future dental visits
  • Gain peace of mind, without worrying about your dental health

Call us today at (480) 831-1700 to schedule a free consultation to discuss our sedation methods. We’re located at 2125 E. Warner Road, Suite 101, not far from Arizona State University.

You Pick the Sedation Option That’s Right For You

Rather than giving you just one method of sedation to calm your nerves, Beautiful Dentistry gives you two. We know that our patients are not all alike, so having a choice ensures you get the level of relaxation that’s right for you. If you have any questions about our dental sedation, we’ll be glad to answer them. Below are our two options:

  • Inhaled Sedation – We’ll administer a sweet-smelling gas, sometimes called “laughing gas” or “happy gas,” that will give you a gentle feeling of euphoria in a few minutes. Soon, the idea of dental care will not be a concern, and you’ll lie back in total relaxation. Best of all, the sedative will wear off quickly when we’re done, and you’ll be able to drive yourself home safely.
  • Oral Conscious Sedation – Dr. Sobieraj will prescribe an FDA-approved pill that you’ll take before your procedure. It will produce a total feeling of relaxation and calm by the time we begin. It may even make you feel a little groggy. You should remain awake, although some patients become so relaxed they doze off. A family member or friend will need to drive you home afterward.

Enjoy Our Other Comfort Options

We want you to feel right at home at Beautiful Dentistry. That’s why we offer amenities that include:

  • Beverages for your refreshment
  • Blankets to take away any chill
  • Netflix for a nice distraction
  • Semi-private patient care rooms
  • A compassionate staff who will provide you great care

Our Tempe sedation options will help you get the dental care you need and deserve! Call us today at (480) 831-1700 to schedule an appointment. Or, if it’s more convenient, you can make an appointment online.

Office Hours

MON 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

TUE - THU 7:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI By appointments only.

SAT - SUN Closed